Workshop Pre-Work: Teaching Computation with MATLAB

To prepare for the workshop, each participant must complete a few tasks in advance.

The instructions below will help you set up your workshop accounts, practice using MATLAB teaching tools, and submit your teaching activity.

Pre-Workshop Tasks

1) Log into your SERC Account and Access the Workspace

During the workshop you will work in a private workspace. A SERC account is required to access the workspace. Once this is set up you will be able to access discussions, action plans, and other workshop outcomes that will be recorded and saved in these spaces.

Step 1: Create a SERC Account. Go to and complete the fields to set up an account if you do not already have one. Be sure to use the same email address you used to register for the workshop. This is the email address that the system is expecting for you.

Step 2: Confirm your Access. Once you have a SERC account, visit the private Participant Workspace to make sure you can access it.

Step 3: Update your Bio. Add a photo and a brief biography to your SERC account so other participants can get to know you. Include your professional background, areas of expertise, and any current projects or interests. This will help facilitate networking and collaboration during the workshop.

If you have problems creating an account or accessing the workspace, contact Holly Kelchner (

2) Access MATLAB Online

For the workshop, you'll use a dedicated cloud version of MATLAB Online.Test your access before the workshop.

To access the MATLAB Online trial, go to:

You will be prompted for your MathWorks account or asked to create one. If you already have one (e.g., associated with your university account), use that one rather than creating a new one. (Creating a duplicate could cause issues later. You want 1 ID only).

Open MATLAB Online. If you have any issues starting the software, please let Lisa know (

Once you're in MATLAB Online, feel free to explore MATLAB features.

3) Complete the MATLAB Onramp

  • MATLAB Onramp - Self-paced, hands-on tutorial demos in MATLAB Online
    • If you are new to MATLAB: This training will help you ramp up quickly in preparation for developing curriculum at the workshop.
    • If you know MATLAB but have not used MATLAB Onramp: Complete a chapter or two. Many educators assign Onramps as student homework. Consider how to best incorporate MATLAB Onramp into your courses.

Note that there are many MATLAB Onramp flavors, from Curve Fitting to Signal and Image Processing to Machine Learning.

Access More Onramp Courses Here »

4) Try MATLAB Live Script Notebooks

Live Scripts are great vehicles for sharing computational content with students, submitting homework, and doing research.

Any MATLAB script can be converted to a Live Script, and vice versa.

5) Develop, Submit and Enliven your Teaching Activity by Friday, Oct. 4th

In preparation for the workshop, you'll develop and submit a teaching module that captures a teaching approach you've developed. Your submitted activity will be reviewed by a group of peer editors and then published on the Teaching Computation with MATLAB site.

You can view the guidelines for developing a MATLAB teaching activity and see the teaching activities from past workshops in the MATLAB Teaching Activities collection.

Share a Teaching Activity »
by Friday, Oct. 4th

*Be sure to follow through and enliven your activity page, so it can be reviewed (if you run into issues, contact Holly)

6) Submit dietary information by Friday, Oct. 4th

Do you have any dietary needs or allergies we should be aware of? Please let us know by filling out the form! Meals during the workshop (except breakfasts, which are provided at the hotels) are covered by MathWorks. Most meals will be catered by Carleton College, including boxed lunches on Tuesday, so be sure to submit your selection to avoid having one chosen for you.

Share your food preferences »

7) Sunday Pre-Workshop Sessions

On Sunday, October 27th, there's an optional pre-workshop session from 2 - 4PM. 
It's an opportunity to meet informally with mentors 1-on-1.  Use the sessions to focus on what matters most to you.

A few ideas to make the most of the session:

  • Curriculum Planning: Seek advice on refining your curriculum.
  • Teaching Activities: Gather feedback on your teaching activity.
  • Teaching Tools: Get tips on using MATLAB teaching tools effectively.
  • MATLAB and Application Areas: Explore new areas of MATLAB and computing.

Sign up for Pre-Workshop Session »

Additional Resources 

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