Initial Publication Date: May 10, 2006

EPA's Envirofacts and Office of Water Mapping Tools

Note: both mapping tools function similarly, but display different information.

Envirofacts logo Envirofacts allows you to display facility and chemical-based information from the Envirofacts Warehouse.
Office of Water Logo Enviromapper for Water maps information about surface water features and their environmental condition

Images courtesy of Environmental Protection Agency.

Understanding the Mapper screen:

  • Check the boxes corresponding to the information you would like to display on your map such as toxic releases, hazardous waste, watersheds, major roads, etc., and then click the Redraw Map button to see the data on your map.
  • If you are interested in zooming on a specific map, you can either place your mouse over the area you would like to see and click, or choose the Zoom-In By: or Zoom-Out By: pull down menus and zoom in or out on the center of the map.
  • If you would like to know the name of a location, click the Identify bullet. An attention box (attention ) will appear telling you to click on the bullet next to the layer you would like to identify and then click on the feature (such as a creek). The name of the location will automatically appear at the bottom of the map screen.

Finish Your Map.

  • Select the information you would like to display on your map and click the Redraw Map. You will now see the desired information on your map!