Initial Publication Date: May 10, 2006

EPA's EnviroMapper for NYC Response

Enviromapper for NYC Response Logo Enviromapper for NYC Response provides access to results from environmental sampling and monitoring in the New York City area in the aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001 and maps them using the EPA Enviromapper tool.
Image courtesy of Environmental Protection Agency

Get Started!

You can choose to proceed in one of two ways:
  1. Select a sampling site from the list on the left hand side of the screen, select a location in the New York area and hit Go to Enviromapper
  2. OR
  3. Go directly to the Enviromapper by clicking on the "here" hotlink.

Understanding Your Map

  • To view additional data on your map, check the boxes corresponding to the information you would like to display (i.e. air sampling sites, dust sampling sites, water sampling sites, and disposal routes) and click the Redraw Map button.
  • You can zoom in and out on the map by clicking the bullet corresponding to your desired action and clicking the mouse on the location in which you would like to see. Alternatively, you can click on the hot linked place names (i.e. NYC, Lower Manhattan) on the lower left hand side of the map window.
  • To identify a feature on the map, click the Identify bullet and select a feature from the pull-down menu. Click on the feature in the map window and information will appear below the map window.
  • The Data Map button displays a "hot map" linked to site reports. To see the site's report, click the left mouse button on the dot, or move the cursor over a name on the list at the right of the map and click on the site's name to get its report.

Finish Your Map

  • Click the Redraw Map and you will see your desired map!