Initial Publication Date: May 27, 2024

National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO)

National Nanotechnology Coordination Office--"The National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) conducts public engagement on behalf of the NNI and provides technical and administrative support to the NSET Subcommittee and the interagency nanotechnology community. NNCO activities include efforts to convene the nanotechnology community, share information on available resources and opportunities, engage with the public, excite students about nanotechnology, and share highlights and information about nanotechnology and the NNI. Furthermore, the NNCO has a devoted Industry and Regional Liaison to serve as a point of contact for and to actively monitor and support the nanotechnology business community."

About Nanotechnology (NT)-- An introduction to NT, what's special about NT, working at the nanoscale, applications of NT, responsible development of NT, NT timeline and a glossary and acronyms.

Outreach Activities:

  • Contests: 
    • EnvisioNano "is a contest for undergraduate and graduate students conducting nanotechnology research in the United States and U.S. territories. Students should submit striking nanoscale images that demonstrate how beautiful the nanoscale can be alongside thoughtful, concise descriptions of the research behind the picture and how it may lead to nanotechnologies that benefit society. The goal is to envision where your research is headed and explain how "seeing" at the nanoscale is important to reaching that vision.  See the most recent winning image here!"
    • NanoFilm "is a video contest for undergraduate and graduate students that are conducting nanotechnology research in the United States and U.S. territories. Participating students should submit short videos that tell a general audience about nanotechnology. How do you hope your work will help the world? What's the greatest promise in nanotechnology? Where do you hope nanotechnology will make the greatest impact? What do you think is cool about nanotechnology? Be creative!"
  • NBC News Learn--Nanotechnology: Super Small Science--"NBC News Learn, in partnership with the National Science Foundation, explores the hidden world of nanotechnology, where objects are measured in the billionths of meters."  Six high quality videos are posted.