Initial Publication Date: October 23, 2017

Webinar Technology

Screen Sharing with Adobe Connect

Presentations will take place through an Adobe Connect screen-sharing session. You will need an Internet connection.

Accessing the Meeting

All participants will be emailed a link to access the Adobe Connect session the day of the webinar. After you follow the link, click to Enter as a Guest, then enter your name (for the participant list). Then click to log into the session.

The system does not need to install anything on your computer in order for you to get into the session. But it can take a few minutes to connect the first time, so you should plan on logging in 5-10 minutes ahead of the scheduled start time.

Meeting Audio

Once inside the session, you will be presented with options for connecting to the audio of the webinar. Given the number of people who we expect to participate in the webinar, we ask that you simply choose the Listen Only option at the bottom of the box. This will cut down on the amount of background noise and signal degradation so that we can get a good recording of the webinar for posting on the website.

This means that you will be able to see the presentation, hear the presenters, and submit questions and have discussions via the chat box in the lower right portion of the webinar screen. But you will not be able to speak to the webinar participants.

Test the Connection

If you haven't been involved with previous meetings using Adobe Connect, I would recommend that you go to the Adobe website and perform their system test to make sure that your computer can handle running the program.


Contact Mitchell Awalt at