Initial Publication Date: May 23, 2019

Materials Development Expectations

To be sure that the materials that are created are of the highest standard, there are several expectations of team members that must be met. This page outlines the expectations of teams.


  • Modules will be developed to meet the Project EDDIE module rubric. This will be explained at the workshop, and the workshop activities will walk participants through module development to meet the standards codified in the rubric.
    • The Module Development Design Rubric and aims to improve quantitative reasoning and skills associated with data manipulation and visualization.
    • Each module will have a flexible "A-B-C" structure that engages students in initial data exploration and skill development, asks students to explore and explain and decide which analyses are appropriate for the data, prompts students to expand by exploring questions that have developed and choosing data from different sites, and students evaluate their learning through guided discussion.
    • Modules will be designed to focus on specific scientific concepts and address a set of quantitative reasoning or analytical skills, using large datasets that are publicly available, and interface with relevant statistical vignettes.
    • Modules will be designed to help students 1) develop quantitative skills through generating visualizations/and or analyses using a large dataset and 2) improve quantitative reasoning through independent exploration of the dataset to address open-ended questions with real-world relevance .
  • Developers will submit their modules to the Project EDDIE website by the end of the workshop, including a complete set of materials supporting adoption and use in instruction. The materials will be freely available to faculty, instructors and not-for-profit educational institutions under a Creative Commons License that stipulates that users must attribute your work and offer any derivative work under a similar license.
  • Developers agree to a pilot their module in a class they teach this academic year and revise their module after piloting. A development stipend is available to support this work.
  • Each instructor will document their experience with piloting the module in their own course. This information will become part of the set of materials developed and published by the team on the website to support use of the materials.
  • Each module will be peer reviewed as part of the design and development workshop. A final independent review of the field-tested and revised modules will be conducted by an assessment consultant prior to publication on the project website.
  • To provide consistency among modules, Dr. Catherine O'Reilly, Dr. Cailin Huyck Orr, Dr. Dax Soule, Dr. Thomas Meixner, Dr. Rebekka Darner, Dr. Andrew Haveles will guide the overall work and serve as the executive editors.

Requirements for Receiving Module Development Stipends

The successful completion of a module includes up to a $1,500 stipend. Successful completion of the modules includes authoring, piloting, revising, and publishing the teaching and supporting materials. Stipends are restricted to faculty at US institutions who are citizens or permanent residents.

In order to receive a stipend, contributors must:

  • Participate in the collaborative design and development of materials in a module to meet the guidelines of a standard rubric
  • A first payment will be made upon completing a module draft during the workshop and submitting the module to the EDDIE website by the workshop end, including adoption and instruction documentation
  • Pilot materials and submit documentation about their experience (Instructor story) with piloting the module before June 30, 2020
  • Post piloting, revise and publish the module materials in collaboration with Project EDDIE executive editors and incorporate appropriate suggestions of editors and reviewers
  • A second payment will be made when materials have been piloted, revised, and published on the website with the full set of required supporting materials.
  • Release copyright of modules materials to Project EDDIE