Theme: Curriculum Design

The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Curriculum Design.

From the Emerald Isle to the Red Planet: How to Make your Virtual Field Trip out of this World WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Shelley Whitmeyer, James Madison University
Steve Whitmeyer, James Madison University
Eric Pyle, James Madison University

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Many high-impact, field-focused geoscience learning experiences have gone virtual to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and maintain the continuity of this important aspect of students' preparation. ...
Preparing for an Academic Career WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Gary Weissmann, University of New Mexico-Main Campus
Sue Ebanks, Savannah State University
Lisa Gilbert, Cabrillo College
Lynsey LeMay, Virginia Peninsula Community College
Catherine Riihimaki, 2NDNATURE Software

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This workshop is designed specifically for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and others who are interested in pursuing academic careers in the geosciences. Workshop leaders from a variety of institution ...
Developing Strategies for Inclusive Teaching Practices WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Blair Schneider, University of Kansas Main Campus
Angel Garcia, James Madison University
Amy Weislogel, West Virginia University
Yadira Ibarra, San Francisco State University
Miriam Fuhrman

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During this 3-day workshop, participants will learn to solicit diverse viewpoints and amplify voices of all students, to decolonize instruction and identify the influence of race and perspective, and work ...
Preparing for Student Creation of Virtual Contexts for Exploring Geoscience Environments WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Aida Awad, Maine East High School
Hemalatha Bhaskaran, James M Bennett High School
Mark Carpenter, American Geological Institute
Edward Robeck, American Geosciences Institute
Steven Semken, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus

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The importance of field experiences in geoscience education cannot be overstated. While a virtual field trip cannot substitute for the physical experience of being in a place, exploring sites of geoscientific and ...
Urban Thermal Energy Modeling in high school Chemistry classrooms SHARE-A-THON
Monday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Bess Caplan, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Alan Berkowitz, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

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The Integrating Chemistry and Earth science (ICE) project developed a new high school chemistry curriculum that infuses Earth science content into a traditional high school chemistry course. In the Thermochemistry ...
Implementing Student-Produced Audio Narratives (SPANs) in the community college classroom SHARE-A-THON
Monday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Geremea Fioravanti, Harrisburg Area Community College-Lancaster
Laura Guertin, Penn State Brandywine

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This activity will focus on Student-Produced Audio Narratives (SPANs). These are classroom activity assignments where students engage with content by telling a story using simple audio recording and production ...
Video blogging for Geology 101 labs SHARE-A-THON
Monday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Amy Daniels, Greenville Technical College

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As a part of the Geology 101 online lab, I have students share a video blog of themselves describing what they did or what they learned by doing the labs. They choose the mode of presentation and submit a URL to ...
Making Science News Work for You: Incorporating Eos into Your Classroom AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Monday 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET Online

Heather Goss, American Geophysical Union
Kyle Fredrick, Pennsylvania Western University - California
Eric Riggs, Humboldt State University

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In this workshop, educators will engage with an approach to science literacy and critical science news consumption that they can fully integrate into their teaching. Leveraging the time-tested activity development ...
Integrating Affective Domain Mini Lessons into Introductory Geology Classes AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Monday 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET Online

Julie Sexton, University of Colorado at Boulder
Molly Jameson, University of Northern Colorado
Jennifer Wenner, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Dina London, University of Northern Colorado
Curtis HopeHill, University of Northern Colorado

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In this workshop, we will introduce participants to 6 affective domain lessons that were developed to be used in introductory geoscience courses. The lessons use a flipped teaching approach and have an online ...
Engaging Students in Earth's Systems Thinking with Model-Based Inquiry AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Monday 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET Online

Jonathan Griffith, University of Colorado at Boulder
Lynne Harden, University of Colorado at Boulder
Anne Gold, University of Colorado at Boulder
Jennifer Kay, University of Colorado at Boulder

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Arctic Feedbacks - Not all warming is equal, is an Earth's systems curriculum inspired by the 2019-2020 MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) expedition, one of the ...
PublicSensors: Integrating student-built environmental sensors for community science into the classroom POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

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PublicSensors (and its Spanish language counterpart SensoresPublicos) is an educational initiative promoting STEM literacy through hands-on construction and use of environmental sensors, collection of community ...
Using automated feedback in an undergraduate programming class on climate data analysis POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Karen Shell, Oregon State University

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In Climate Data Analysis (ATS 301) at Oregon State University, students develop basic Python programming skills for plotting and statistical analysis of climate data. With the transition to remote instruction in ...
How are minerals and rocks taught in introductory college geology labs? An evaluation of levels of utility and inquiry, with suggestions for improvement aligned with primary literature. POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Meryssa Piper, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Jessica Frankle, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Sophia Sanders, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Blake Stubbins, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Lance Tully, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia

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Rock and mineral laboratory activities are an integral component of introductory geoscience courses, providing critical opportunities for students to apply what they learn in lecture. Despite the evidence that ...
Poster Session II: Online Teaching--Lessons Learned during the Pandemic POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Jennifer Lewis, University of Calgary
Rebekah Stein, University of California-Berkeley

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This poster session will be held from 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET on Wednesday. All Rendezvous participants are invited to attend. Sessions will include 4-6 posters on ...
Inclusive Universal Design Applied to Introductory Geosciences Learning Spaces POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Wendi J. W. Williams, South Texas College

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Overviews and generalized examples of how to apply Universal Design in Instruction (UDI) with embedded strategies to diminish barriers for Persons with Disabilities have been shared during earlier Earth Educator ...
A tale of two online courses POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Charly Bank, University of Toronto

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This poster summarizes my reflection on two courses I taught during the pandemic. Both courses targeted non-science students, both courses had about 200 students, both courses were taught in an online asynchronous ...
Poster Session I: The Undergraduate Classroom and Lab Courses POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Meryssa Piper, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Casey Davenport, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

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This poster session will be held from 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET on Wednesday. All Rendezvous participants are invited to attend. Sessions will include 4-6 posters on ...
The Impact of Educational Games on Learning, Engagement, and Equity in Geosciences POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Rowan Martindale, The University of Texas at Austin
Barbara Sulbaran, The University of Texas at Austin
Estefania Salgado-Jauregui, Servicio Geologico Colombiano
North Cooc, The University of Texas at Austin
Kathy Ellins, The University of Texas at Austin

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Incorporating play in classrooms has been shown to improve student learning (Griggs et al., 2009); however, the advantages may not be equal across all learners. Some studies have suggested that gender, ...
Locally grown fruit retains its soil signature: using the scanning electron microscope to bridge soil science to fruit spreads POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Nina Baghai Riding, Delta State University
Larry Collins, Longwood University
Chuck Smithhart, Delta State University

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The need to transform the undergraduate laboratory experience in order to provide students access to authentic research opportunities has been well documented. At Delta State University, students enrolled in ...
Broadening participation in the digital age: Designing online geoscience labs to engage community college programs POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Joshua Zimmt, University of California-Berkeley
Lisa White, University of California-Berkeley
Larry Taylor, University of California-Berkeley

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Advancing Community College Education and Student Success (ACCESS) is a collaborative partnership between the University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP) and local community colleges. In typical years, ...
Oral Session VI: Effective Curriculum and Teaching Practices in the Geosciences ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:00-1:10pm PT / 1:00-2:10pm MT / 2:00-3:10pm CT / 3:00-4:10pm ET Online

Hannah Scherer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ

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Skip to Main ContentSkip to Navigation Login Earth Educators' RendezvousOnline, July 12-16, 2021 View the Program | Search the Program | #EarthER21 ...
The Food-Energy-Water-Nexus as a Framework for Advancing Education and Education Research ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:05 PT / 1:05 MT / 2:05 CT / 3:05 ET Online

Hannah Scherer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ
Nicole Sintov, Ohio State University-Main Campus
Hui-Hui Wang, Purdue University-Main Campus
Cory Forbes, The University of Texas at Arlington

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The Food-Energy-Water-Nexus (FEW-Nexus) framework offers a way to understand the interplay between natural systems and their human dimensions in the space where these three resources, each vital to human society, ...
The Petroleum Science and Technology Institute and Hildebrand Teacher Leadership Program ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:05 PT / 1:05 MT / 2:05 CT / 3:05 ET Online

Sabrina Ewald, The University of Texas at Austin
Dawn Chegwidden, Lewisville High
Hilary Olson, The University of Texas at Austin
Kathy Ellins, The University of Texas at Austin

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The Petroleum Science and Technology (PST) Institute in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin provides Texas high school STEM teachers with professional development through a ...
Polar Mystery: Using Puzzles to Connect Youth to Polar Regions ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:20 PT / 1:20 MT / 2:20 CT / 3:20 ET Online

Karina Peggau, Ohio State University-Main Campus
Jason Cervenec, Ohio State University-Main Campus
Sue Hogan, Ohio State University-Main Campus
Emily Kridel, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
Ellen Altermatt, Carleton College

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Inspired by the popularity of free choice puzzles, including escape rooms and murder mystery kits, the team developed a multi-week "Arctic Mystery", through which youth explore polar data to solve the ...
Improving Pre-service Teachers' Data Literacy and Computational Thinking Using Earth Data in Existing Methods Courses ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:20 PT / 1:20 MT / 2:20 CT / 3:20 ET Online

Melissa Zrada, The College of New Jersey
Tiffany Herder, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kristin Hunter-Thomson, Dataspire Education & Evaluation LLC, Rutgers University
Michael Jabot, SUNY College at Fredonia
Elizabeth Joyner, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, SSAI

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Computing and data permeate our society, and are critical to understanding our Earth. Data literacy is thus essential as an informed and engaged 21st century citizen, and fundamental to understanding the process of ...
Polar ENgagement through GUided INquiry (PENGUIN) ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:35 PT / 1:35 MT / 2:35 CT / 3:35 ET Online

Lea Fortmann, University of Puget Sound
Penny Rowe, NorthWest Research Associates
Steven Neshyba, University of Puget Sound
Rachel Wade, Edmonds Community College
Haiyan Cheng, Willamette University
Tim Guasco, Millikin University
Amanda Mifflin, University of Puget Sound
Isha Rajbhandari, University of Puget Sound
William Pfalzgraff, Chatham University
Kena Fox-Dobbs, University of Puget Sound
Grace Stokes, Santa Clara University

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Including climate-related topics in the classroom is crucial to the education of the next generation and has the potential to enhance student interest. The polar regions play an important role in climate change and ...
Learning statistics through Ice Core Isotopes ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:50 PT / 1:50 MT / 2:50 CT / 3:50 ET Online

Penny Rowe, NorthWest Research Associates
Lea Fortmann, University of Puget Sound
James Bernhard, University of Puget Sound
Jacob Price, University of Puget Sound
Timothy Chalberg, Science and Math Institute
Steven Neshyba, University of Puget Sound

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Polar regions are particularly sensitive to climate change and play an important role in it. The richness and interdisciplinary nature of polar research suggests a potential to enhance student learning. To harness ...
Building a Career Pathway Starting in High School ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:50 PT / 1:50 MT / 2:50 CT / 3:50 ET Online

Chelsea Campbell, Red Rocks Community College

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Industry guidance and input is vital for a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. The water industry needs fresh, energetic talent to fill the retirement gaps. A Water Quality Management (WQM) concurrent ...
Virtual Earth Science: Research-Based Best Practices and Pedagogical Successes in Online Geoscience Courses ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:05 PT / 2:05 MT / 3:05 CT / 4:05 ET Online

Renee Clary, Mississippi State University
Athena Owen Nagel, Mississippi State University
John Ezell, Mississippi State University

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More than a decade ago, research demonstrated that a SCALE approach to curricular development increased student satisfaction and learning gains in online science environments. Instructors optimize online courses ...
Using the Limits of COVID Digital Learning to Engage Students in Scientific Thinking ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:20 PT / 2:20 MT / 3:20 CT / 4:20 ET Online

Lev Horodyskyj, University of the Virgin Islands

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Introductory-level science courses introduce students to the discoveries of a particular field and ostensibly promote science literacy. However, the lecture-lab paradigm does not lend itself well to the ...
Utilizing Backwards Design to create a Blended, Multicontext learning framework in a field-based Geoscience course ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:20 PT / 2:20 MT / 3:20 CT / 4:20 ET Online

Alissa Kotowski, McGill University
Nicholas Soltis, University of Indianapolis
Evan Ramos, The University of Texas at Austin
Vashan Wright, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Kathy Ellins, The University of Texas at Austin
Dana Thomas, The University of Texas at Austin

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GeoFORCE is an out-of-school-time high school program that strives to increase the number of minoritized students pursuing STEM and Geoscience by exposing students to Geoscience through week-long field-based ...
Contributions From Earth Scientists of All Different Backgrounds ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:20 PT / 2:20 MT / 3:20 CT / 4:20 ET Online

Dan Ferandez, Anne Arundel Community College
Katherine Keough, Anne Arundel Community College

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During the 2020 school year, members of the Earth Science faculty at Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) participated in course design activities within the 'General Oceanography' course. The design ...
Modeling and mapping lunar surface features TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 1:35 PT / 2:35 MT / 3:35 CT / 4:35 ET Online

Daniel Barth, University of Arkansas Main Campus

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The most fundamental problem in teaching observational astronomy is image saturation - a student looks into a telescope at the Moon and says "Yeah, the Moon - I've seen it." An image in the ...
Assessing the Impact of Curriculum and Department Climate on Undergraduate Diversity, through Student Perceptions of Learning and Inclusion ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:35 PT / 2:35 MT / 3:35 CT / 4:35 ET Online

Alexandra Snell, Texas A & M University
Julie Newman, Texas A & M University
David Sparks, Texas A & M University

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This study investigates the impacts of the Texas A&M Geology & Geophysics (G&G) department cultural climate (via perceptions of inclusion) and curriculum (via perceptions of learning) on undergraduate ...
A Compilation of Atmospheric and Climate Science Misconceptions ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:50 PT / 2:50 MT / 3:50 CT / 4:50 ET Online

Dawn Kopacz, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Haeli Leighty, University of Nebraska at Lincoln

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Misconceptions, incorrect or partially correct ideas, can impede the learning process. Therefore, knowledge of existing misconceptions is a critical component of teaching and learning. Project 2061 documented more ...
Use of Independent Data Sets in Analyzing Tectonic Plate Boundaries TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 1:50 PT / 2:50 MT / 3:50 CT / 4:50 ET Online

Laurel Goodell, Princeton University

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Armed with previous knowledge about basic plate tectonic theory, students hypothesize about motions across specific plate boundaries. They then test their hypotheses by using a Google Earth platform to calculate ...
Expectancy and Value as Drivers for Participation and Persistence in an Open-access Online Scientific Computing Training in Seismology ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:50 PT / 2:50 MT / 3:50 CT / 4:50 ET Online

Michael Hubenthal, EarthScope
Mike Brudzinski, Miami University-Oxford

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During the summer of 2020, the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), in collaboration with Miami university, offered a free, 3-month, certificate-granting online workshop. This workshop sought ...
"Geology undergirds me": using art to deepen connection to geoscience ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:50 PT / 2:50 MT / 3:50 CT / 4:50 ET Online

Andrew Jones, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ethan C. Parrish, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Naomi Barshi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Colby Schwaderer, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Following the COVID-19 transition to online learning in spring 2020, we teaching assistants designed place-based activities for students to artistically document their natural surroundings and connect them to ...
The effects of training spatial skills on student success, efficacy and value in introductory geology students ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 2:05 PT / 3:05 MT / 4:05 CT / 5:05 ET Online

Annie Klyce, Vanderbilt University
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia

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Spatial skills, which represent the ability to mentally manipulate objects, are critical to entrance, persistence and success in STEM fields and the geosciences in particular. While we have a sense of which ...
Toward creating a fully accessible, inclusive, and trauma sensitive learning environment in an online introductory geoscience course ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 2:05 PT / 3:05 MT / 4:05 CT / 5:05 ET Online

Kat Cantner, Minneapolis Community and Technical College

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We've navigated the transition to an online environment. We've heard the call to arms for equity and diversity, for the decolonization of science, and for increasing accessibility. What do you tackle ...
Designing and Facilitating High Quality Online Earth Science Courses WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Jennifer Lewis, University of Calgary

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Whether you are new to online or are looking to take your course to the next level, this 2-day workshop focuses on designing high quality, highly engaging online earth science courses. Participants will learn about ...
Storytelling for Change in the Geosciences WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Adam Papendieck, The University of Texas at Austin
Julia Clarke, The University of Texas at Austin
Kathy Ellins, The University of Texas at Austin

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This workshop is based on the HHMI-funded Geoscience Ambassadors program at UT Austin. The aim of the workshop is to share ways of embedding personal storytelling in courses and programs to develop a high context ...
Adapting Lessons for Your Classroom WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Christopher Berg, Orange Coast College
Megan Plenge, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Many fantastic Earth and Environmental Science lesson plans and course materials are now available from SERC, NASA, IRIS, and a variety of other institutions. This workshop will provide you with suggestions and ...
Teaching and Learning About Feedback Loops WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Tim Shipley, Temple University
Alexandra Davatzes, Temple University
Kelcey Wallens-Logan, Barnard College

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Feedback loops (FLs) are a powerful concept for Earth educators in the 21st century. Reinforcing (aka "positive") feedback loops underlie many environmental problems, including climate change and ...
Using Geophysics to Address Societally-Relevant, Urban and Environmental Questions in Introductory-Level Geoscience Courses AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:15-3:45pm PT / 2:15-4:45pm MT / 3:15-5:45pm CT / 4:15-6:45pm ET Online

Carol Ormand Ph.D., Carleton College
Andrew Parsekian, University of Wyoming
Lee Slater, Rutgers University-Newark
Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida
John Taber, EarthScope Consortium

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The IGUaNA project, Introducing Geophysics for Urban and Near-surface Applications, has developed a set of curricular modules that feature the applications of shallow geophysical techniques to societally-relevant, ...
Facilitating Student Exploration of Local Environmental Challenges via Mathematics and Computational Thinking AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:15-3:45pm PT / 2:15-4:45pm MT / 3:15-5:45pm CT / 4:15-6:45pm ET Online

Susan Meabh Kelly, Connecticut State Department of Education

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Mathematics and computational thinking – skills that have been identified as critical to data literacy (Education Development Center, 2016) – are recognized as one of the eight NGSS practices, but are largely ...
Curiosity to Question: A New Model for Disciplinarily Diverse and Inclusive Course-Based Research Experiences AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:15-3:45pm PT / 2:15-4:45pm MT / 3:15-5:45pm CT / 4:15-6:45pm ET Online

Adam Papendieck, The University of Texas at Austin
Julia Clarke, The University of Texas at Austin
Kathy Ellins, The University of Texas at Austin

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Curiosity to Question (CtQ) is an emerging model for course-based research experiences that are diverse by design. By recruiting for diverse identities and disciplines, and by emphasizing open inquiry, peer ...
OOI Data Labs - Online Laboratory Manual for Introductory Oceanography Courses AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:15-3:45pm PT / 2:15-4:45pm MT / 3:15-5:45pm CT / 4:15-6:45pm ET Online

Christine Bean, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Janice McDonnell, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Sage Lichtenwalner, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Denise Bristol, Hillsborough Community College
Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert, Stockton University

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Are you looking for ways to incorporate large data sets into your classes that are student and teacher friendly? Whether you are teaching remotely or face-to-face, the OOI Data Labs Project has a NEW Online Lab ...
Adapting Lessons for Your Classroom AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:15-3:45pm PT / 2:15-4:45pm MT / 3:15-5:45pm CT / 4:15-6:45pm ET Online

Christopher Berg, Orange Coast College
Megan Plenge, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Many fantastic Earth and Environmental Science lesson plans and course materials are now available from SERC, NASA, IRIS, and a variety of other institutions. This workshop will provide you with suggestions and ...
Teaching the Anthropocene: Reframing Geoscience Education for the Critical 2020s Decade AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:15-3:45pm PT / 2:15-4:45pm MT / 3:15-5:45pm CT / 4:15-6:45pm ET Online

Gary Gomby, Central Connecticut State University

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I've been teaching a "Human Impacts" course framed around the narrative of the Anthropocene since 2015. Our students, particularly high school and undergraduates --who may never take another science ...