Theme: Research for Undergrads

The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Research for Undergrads.

Evaluating Sands in an Introductory Earth Science Class Using a Remotely-Operated Scanning Electron Microscope POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

Mary Beck, Valencia Community College

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In fall, 2017 and spring, 2018 earth science students at Valencia College in Orlando, FL used a remotely-accessed scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) housed at the Florida ...
Assessment of student learning – field application POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

Lily Pfeifer, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus
Lynn Soreghan, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus
Michael Soreghan, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus

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Our research, Landscapes of Deep Time in the Red Earth of France (NSF International Research Experience for Students project), aims to mentor U.S. undergraduate science students from underserved populations (e.g. ...
AGU's Virtual Programs: Providing Access to Students and Early Career Professionals Around the Globe POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Pranoti Asher, American Geophysical Union
David Harwell, American Geophysical Union
Nathaniel Janick, American Geophysical Union
Leslie Marasco, American Geophysical Union
Erik Hankin, American Geophysical Union

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The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is committed to inspiring and educating present and future generations of diverse, innovative, and creative Earth and space scientists. To meet our commitment, AGU provides ...
A Diverse Cohort of Undergraduate Students to Address Hawaii's Water Challenges POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Jennifer Engels, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Barbara Bruno, University of Hawaii at Manoa

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How much water is there in Hawai'i? How long will this limited resource last given current pumping scenarios? How can traditional Hawaiian water use practices inform modern water management decisions? These ...