Initial Publication Date: April 29, 2012

Week 1: From the Outside Looking In
Changing Our Perspective of Earth

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Eyes on the Earth


Chances are, most of us will never get to view Earth as Sally Ride did during her flights on the Space Shuttle Challenger. However, computer simulations like Eyes on the Earth 2.0 give us the opportunity to explore Earth from the eyes-in-the-sky perspective of more than a dozen NASA satellites currently orbiting the Earth.

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Learn About Eyes on the Earth 2.0


  1. Open the Eyes on the Earth 2.0 3-D simulation. NOTE: This program runs as a Java applet. You will need to allow the applet to access your computer. When prompted, choose "Allow." Also be aware that this program contains a large amount of data, so it may take a few minutes for all of the features and datasets to load. Be patientit's worth the wait!

  2. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the Eyes on the Earth 2.0 interface and viewing options. Use the "help screen" image below as a guide to help you explore the many features of this exciting interactive virtual reality visualization.b>NOTE: Click on the "Home" button at any time to reset the interface.

    Click image to view at full size in a new window.

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Take a Closer Look at AQUA or OSTM


Some of the satellite missions featured in Eyes on the Earth 2.0 have associated data sets. Choose one of the following satellites with data sets (AQUA or OSTM) to explore in more detail. As you go through this exercise, think about how you might use one of these data sets to teach your students about an environmental issue. 

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OSTM (Ocean Surface Topography Mission)


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