Initial Publication Date: October 5, 2017

Travel and Logistics for the CUREnet Planning Meeting

November 1-3, 2017

The meeting will take place at the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College.

Travel by Air

Air travelers should fly into the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport. Ground transportation to and from the airport (a 45 minute drive) will be arranged for you based on your travel information that you submit to us via the travel submission form. Please book your travel and complete the travel plans form by Monday, October 9, 2017.

Travel by Car

Directions from Minneapolis/St. Paul to Northfield:
  • I-35W South to Highway 19 East (exit 69, Northfield exit)
  • Drive east on Highway 19, 11 miles to Northfield
  • At the first stop light (where Highway 19 merges with Highway 3), turn left
  • At 2nd St. W, turn right
  • At Division Street, turn right
  • Archer House River Inn is immediately on your left.

If you are driving north to Northfield, the directions from I-35 are the same. Just watch for exit 69 from the other direction. Please fill out the travel submission form to inform the conveners of your travel plans and when you plan to arrive.

Travel Costs

Participants are responsible for the cost of airfare and lodging. The cost of the airport shuttle and lunch will be covered.


Room reservations have been made for everyone attending the workshop at the Archer House River Inn ( This site may be offline. ) . Participants are responsible for the cost of lodging; please provide your own payment information upon check-in with reception at Archer House.

The airport shuttle will deliver you to the hotel. The Science Education Resource Center, where the meeting will take place, is next door to the Archer House River Inn.


Lunch will be provided during the meeting. All meals will include vegetarian offerings. Please provide information on the travel information form if you require special meals. The price of lunch and gratuities during the workshop is covered, however the NSF grant does not cover alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic drinks may be available for purchase during some meal times. The Tavern, a restaurant located in the same building as the Archer House River Inn, serves breakfast each morning.

What to expect

Northfield is a small town about 35 miles south of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. November weather in Minnesota can be unpredictable; please check the weather before arriving and come prepared. The hotel is adjacent to the meeting space and located directly downtown. Please let us know if you have any concerns about accommodations or mobility.

E-mail access is available in the workshop space on the Carleton campus.