Initial Publication Date: November 20, 2004

Writing Web Pages

My First Web Page

Creating the first incarnation of a web page is often one of the hardest parts. Once something exists it is very simple to expand on it. For this reason, we have included a very basic plan to get your first class web site up and running. From there, you will be surprised how fast it can take off. Click the link below if you would like to see the plan.

Learning How to Write HTML

A good first step is to talk to your institution's technology support people. They will most likely have an extensive list of recommendations for learning web design and the use of HTML. Below we have listed some options, but this is far from an exhaustive list.

Online Web Design Tutorials
Online Web Design Tutorial (more info)
Web Style Guide (more info)
Online HTML Tutorials
W3Schools -
Tutorials in W3C compliant HTML as well as several other types of web programming languages
HTML: Getting Started -
HTML tutorials by the University of Texas at Austin
Writing HTML -
This resource was created to help teachers create learning resources that access information on the Internet
Books -
This would be a good place to start. Lynda Weinman has published a very good series of products on web authoring. She has written books on several of the popular authoring tools currently in use. She also highlights the work of other authors in her series. It is likely that you will find a title that speaks to the authoring tool you plan to use.
Ask your IT professionals to recommend other books.
Based on what tools are available at your institution they will be able to direct you to specific titles.
Local and National peer groups/professional organizations

Terms and Tools

There is a wide array of new terminology and tools that you will need to familiarize yourself with. All of the books and web tutorials mentioned above will have extensive glossaries of terms and tools.