Initial Publication Date: October 7, 2011

Classroom Activities

Many of the faculty who responded to the survey indicated that they had used the tsunami as a way of augmenting their lectures with a real world example, especially in classes on Natural Hazards. But in addition to traditional geology lectures, faculty have made use of this teachable moment in other ways as well.

Web Research Activities

I developed a PBL (project-based learning) project (more info) for my 9th grade Earth Science class. Scenario: A major disaster (the 2004 Asian Earthquake and Tsunami) occurs. We are employees of a unit of the United Nations responsible for coordinating disaster relief...
Students are divided into Expert Groups on four topics, (Economics, Health, Earth Science, Historical Context- there could be others) three or four students per group...Using the internet, archived articles, and newsmagazine features, students research their topics.. Each group then summarizes what the group learned in an outline or written summary. Each student also rates themselves and their group members on their contributions to the group.

Char Bezanson, Eastview High School

With my 6th grade students I have had them research the causes of a tsunami, the result of the Asian tsunami and the world response. They are currently creating PowerPoint presentations summarizing what they have found.
There is a wealth of information available on the internet and our new laptops with wireless connections make this kind of project possible.This is a good opportunity for gifted students to challenge themselves by going beyond everyday expectations.

Bob Causey, Sisson School

I am constructing a semester-long project investigating the social, economical and geological impacts of the Sumatra earthquake/Tsunami. The exercise is for an introductory level geology course for non-majors (Earth Environments - GEOL 104H). It is an honors course and has 15 students enrolled. The students form groups of 3 and investigate different areas impacted by the disaster. They will present, to the class, different aspects of their research findings on 3 occasions and will have to submit a final report. There will also be several classes of open discussion and some specific topics regarding mitigation and remediation of natural disasters of this type.
Kurt Panter, Bowling Green State University