Initial Publication Date: September 20, 2024

Unit 6- How Do We Explore Planets in Our Solar System?


This unit is the culminating unit of the TIDeS Earth Science Course. Students use the process of science from Unit 1 and their knowledge of Earth Science processes from Units 2-5 to investigate various celestial objects in our solar system. Observations of patterns between Earth and other celestial objects will be described, data/photos will be analyzed and interpreted, and research will be conducted to determine where additional resources may be. Teams will design a rover that can collect data to see if the resources are on the prospective celestial object. Lastly, they will prepare a mock proposal presentation to pitch their research mission to the National Science Foundation for funding.

Motivating question:

As Earth's resources are dwindling due to human consumption, we may find ourselves asking if there are resources on other planets that we can acquire. Are there resources on other planets that humans can access? Should we access them?

Time Needed:

The activities in this unit are designed to take place over the course of six-85 minute class periods.

Prerequisite Skills Needed:

No astronomical knowledge is needed before starting this unit. If not completing Units 1-5, it is recommended that students have basic knowledge of Earth processes and resources and be able to analyze and interpret data.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

  1. Use evidence of known geological processes on Earth to deduce similar processes on other planets
  2. Construct an argument based on evidence to make a claim about where additional resources may be located on other planets
  3. Evaluate the engineering design of previous rover missions and suggest revisions
  4. Develop a design for a future rover mission that will explore in search of and/or extract a particular resource


Throughout Unit 6, students use science and engineering practices to explore extraterrestrial planets in our solar system. They start their investigation by obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information when they are introduced to the scientist's toolbox. They then work in teams to plan and carry out an investigation to find resources on distal planets and analyze and interpret aerial photographs to discern similar Earth processes occurring elsewhere. They use this information as evidence for their claims. Lastly, they evaluate previous rover missions, make recommendations for adjustments, and start designing their own rover. Upon completion of Unit 6.1-6.4, students will have the ability to engage in argument from evidence and work in teams to present a rover design proposal.

Unit 6.1: Making Distal Observations: What tools do scientists use to investigate planets from a distance? In this unit, students unpack the tools of the trade used in remote sensing to understand which types of data are used to identify features and detect potential resources on distal planets. Students take a tour of Earth from space and identify different types of landforms. Recalling what they learned from the previous five units about Earth's features and processes, students work in teams as planetary geologists to relate Earth's processes and features to those found on other planets. After analyzing aerial photographs from a distal planet, students infer the features they are seeing and the processes that may have occurred to create them.

Unit 6.2: Identifying Patterns and Exploring Beyond our Planet for Resources: Are there resources on other planets that humans can access? Using Hi-RISE maps, students identify landforms on Mars and make a claim based on the data and features about where 3 additional resources may be (supported by evidence). Students learn how scientists confirm resources are in the particular areas and ruminate about what kinds of adaptations instrumentation would need to have in order to be successful on different planets. This unit sets the foundation for decision-making during future exploratory missions.

Unit 6.3: Evaluating Previous NASA Missions: What does it take to execute a successful NASA mission? In this unit, students research past NASA missions and evaluate the engineering design by comparing the mission goals to the design of the rover completing the mission. Teams suggest revisions to assigned rover/orbiter based on research and start to think about mission goals and designs for their own rover to prepare them for the next class session. Teams choose a planet to set up a potential mission and begin researching background information on their chosen planet to be prepared for the next class session.

Unit 6.4: Design Your Own Rover: How will we investigate other planets for resources? In this unit, students work in teams to design a rover/orbiter headed toward an assigned planet/planet's moon. They will research about the planet/planet's moon, take into consideration any constraints given by the destination's characteristics, and design a model with the ultimate goal of resource identification and extraction. Each team creates a scientist spotlight for themselves as a NASA scientist, presents a funding proposal for their rover/orbiter design, discusses the merits of each team's proposal, and votes on which proposal(s) to fund.