Initial Publication Date: March 15, 2021

Advisory Board

The advisory board provides external feedback on project evaluation. As part of their service, advisory board members provide feedback on the rubric; review materials and evaluation reports; and identify reach channels for implementation.

Amy Flanagan Johnson (she/her)

Eastern Michigan University, Professor of Chemistry

Amy Flanagan Johnson received her B.A. from Knox College and her M.S. and Ph.D. from Purdue University. Currently, she serves as a Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Eastern Michigan University. Johnson prefers to teach introductory and general chemistry courses as that is where she feels there is the best opportunity for her to help students develop an appreciation of the wonders of chemistry. Her research interests include knowledge transfer, pre-service teacher education, integrating high impact practices and signature learning activities, and innovative pedagogical approaches for teaching climate change. Johnson was recognized by EMU for her teaching with the 2010 Ronald W. Collins Distinguished Faculty Award.

Francis Lawrenz

Frances Lawrenz is the Associate Vice President for Research at the University of Minnesota and the Wallace professor of Teaching and Learning in the Department of Educational Psychology. She has been a rotator at NSF twice and an intermittent expert for evaluation. Her specialization is science and mathematics program evaluation. She has produced numerous publications and evaluation reports and received awards for her research from AEA, AERA and NARST.

Felicia Moore Mensah (she/her)

Teachers College-Columbia University, Professor of Science Education

Felicia Moore Mensah | @docmensah | (Ph.D., Florida State University) is Professor of Science Education and Vice Department Chair of Mathematics, Science, and Technology at Teachers College, Columbia University (New York City). She has published extensively, where her work addresses issues of diversity, equity, and identity in science education. Her most recent research utilizes critical race theory and intersectionality to transform teacher education research and practices by looking at the experiences of Teachers of Color and preparing future teacher educators for racial literacy. Dr. Mensah was the recipient of the 2017 Outstanding Science Teacher Educator of the Year (ASTE); the 2012 Early Career Award, Division K Teaching and Teacher Education (AERA); and an Equity and Ethics Scholar in 2005 (NARST). Dr. Mensah is a Past President of Sisters of the Academy Institute, or SOTA, an organization that supports the success of Black women in higher education. Among other activities, she is co-editor of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST), and a Lead Editor of Cultural Studies of Science Education. She is also the founding Associate Director of CITED, the Center for Innovation in Teacher Education & Development, which is a joint endeavor of King's College, London, and Teachers College, New York City, with the aim to promote and study critical innovation in the field of teacher education.

Kimberly Tanner (she/her)

San Francisco State University, Professor of Biology Education and the director of the Science Education Partnership and Assessment Laboratory

Dr. Kimberly Tanner is a tenured Professor of Biology at San Francisco State University. Her laboratory – SEPAL: the Science Education Partnership and Assessment Laboratory – investigates what is challenging to learn in biology, how biologists choose to teach, and how to make equity, diversity, and inclusion central in science education efforts. As a Science Faculty with an Education Specialty (SFES), she is engaged in discipline-based education research, directs multiple K-16+ biology education reform efforts, and is deeply engaged in faculty professional development. Trained as a neurobiologist with postdoctoral studies in science education, Dr. Tanner is a proud first-generation college-going student.

Mark Windschitl

University of Washington, Professor of Science Teaching and Learning

Dr. Windschitl is a professor of Science Teaching and Learning at the University of Washington. His research interests deal with the early career development of science teachers—in particular, their trajectories toward ambitious and equitable pedagogy. Dr. Windschitl is the lead author of Ambitious Science Teaching (Harvard Ed Press), along with Jessica Thompson and Melissa Braaten. His research has appeared in The American Educational Research Journal, Teachers College Record, Cognition and Instruction, Phi Delta Kappan, Science Education, and in white papers commissioned by the National Research Council and the National Academy of Science. He has been PI on multiple Noyce Teaching Scholars and Research grants and have supported teachers in that program in their transitions to urban schools. He has also administrated the Annenberg Fellowship program, known as the Rhodes Scholarships of Teaching— for teacher candidates at the UW. He is a recipient of the AERA Presidential Award for Best Review of Research, the co-author of the chapter on Science Teaching in the new AERA Handbook of Research on Teaching, and a member of the National Research Council Committee on Strengthening and Sustaining Teachers.

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