Initial Publication Date: May 15, 2006

Grant-Related "Broader-Impact" Opportunities for Involvement in Practicing Teacher Professional Development

Created by Jennifer L. B. Anderson, Ph.D., SERC, Carleton College.

What are these "Broader Impact" Statements?

In the NSF Grant Proposal Guide there is a section on Review Criteria entitled What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity? Any research proposal submitted to NSF will be judged, in part, on questions such as:
  • "How well does the activity advance discovery and understanding while promoting teaching, training, and learning?"
  • "Will the results be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific and technological understanding?"
  • "What may be the benefits of the proposed activity to society?"
NSF also provides [link http:// 'a list of suggestions'] for proposal elements that satisfy the above questions (and more).

How do Scientists Incorporate the Professional Development of Teachers into their "Broader Impact" Statements?

  • SERC addresses these concerns in the Integrating Research and Education website, which contains incentives and recommendations (from the Bridges Report) for integrating research and education. It also has a list of successful partnerships and useful tips.
  • Many national geoscience conferences have included sessions on how scientists can work with the professional development of teachers.
  • Broader Impact: Guidance for Scientists about E/PO EOS, Vol 86, No 12, March 22, 2005