Initial Publication Date: July 9, 2019

Support All Students in the Field

Field experiences are often perceived as a cornerstone of the geosciences and are frequently used as a way to attract students to the field. However, field settings can also present barriers to access and inclusion. There are a number of strategies faculty and departments can take to support the success and inclusion of all students in the field.

Provide Accessible Field Opportunities

Field trips and experiences can present many barriers to students with disabilities (SWDs). Physicals barriers are particularly apparent in field experiences, but non-physical barriers can also prevent SWDs from participating and learning effectively. Creating accessible experiences, making modifications, and providing accommodations can help to reduce barriers to inclusion.

Ensure Experiences are Ethical and Inclusive

Recent work has documented systemic issues of harassment and discrimination in field settings. These, in addition to institutional and logistical barriers, can create negative or even harmful experiences for women, underrepresented minority students, students with disabilities, non-traditional students, and others. Eliminating these barriers makes field experiences more inclusive of all students.

Make Use of Technology and Virtual Environments

Technology and virtual field environments can be great tools for increasing accessibility. When combined with strong pedagogy, technology can support the success of all students in field settings.