Carleton Course Collection - Similar to the Teaching Activity Collection, this set of resources is comprised of course descriptions and syllabi that Carleton faculty have posted to share. All Carleton faculty are encouraged to share their course descriptions.

Moodle Museum: Here you will find a collection of courses that your colleagues have donated to the Museum for general viewing and appropriation. The key/password is the word "museum."

Course Evaluations - Sample mid-term and end-of-term course evaluations and tips for conducting evaluations.

Course Design Tutorial - This tutorial was developed by Barbara Tewksbury for the On the Cutting Edge faculty development program. The tutorial leads faculty through the process of goal-based course design.

Designing a Syllabus - Syllabus templates and tips on syllabus design.

Pedagogy in Action - Teaching Methods, Activities, and Research on Learning

SERC Course Collection - Similar to the Carleton Course Collection, this page provides access to all the course pages that have been submitted to SERC's various websites.

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