Initial Publication Date: April 10, 2006

Module Editing Page

Module Editing Page

This page acts as the main gateway to editing each of the web pages in the module. It provides links for viewing, deleting and (most usefully) editing each page.

Edit an Existing Page

Just click the Edit button to edit a particular page. This will take you to the full editing interface described on an earlier page. If you haven't already you'll want to check out the description of the full editing interface and how to edit text within Serckit. Pages are identified by title, url and a unique number (this is mostly for internal use).

By default only the dev pages in the module are listed. Dev pages are only viewable by those with editing access, but this can be toggled on and off using the link in the Editor-only Viewing column. This should only be toggled off temporarily to give someone a quick peek at at page (e.g for review).

Edit Live Pages
The "Enable Editing of Live Pages" link temporarily displays both the dev and live pages for the module so you can get at the live ones. You should rarely need to edit the live pages directly. One common scenario where it might be necessary is when you're in the midst of reworking a page in the dev area and discover a typo on the live page that needs a quick fix.

Below the list of pages is a box with several functions which one toggles through by clicking the relevant title bar.

Create New Page

Create a New Page

To create a new page start by entering a title. In the next field you can enter the end of the url. e.g. my_page.html. The system will automatically add on the first part of the url based on the module. For example if you enter:


the system may make a final url that looks like:

Alternatively you can just leave the url field blank and the system will make a url (often erring on the long side) based on the title you've provided.

The page template will normally be set to a correct default (and you'll get weird behavior if you set it to something inappropriate). By default the options will be set to add the new page to the end of the local navigation menu. You can choose a different location, or uncheck the box to leave it out of the navigation at this point (you can always add it in or reposition it later).

Click create and an empty new page will be made and you'll be taken to the full editing interface for the page. If this is the 'front' page of a module be sure the page title matches the module title exactly. The system will recognize this and assign a url that ends in 'index.html' as is required for a number of features in the system.

Make a Site Live

Below the Edit Menu option (which is described on a later page) there are a number of options for making this module 'live'.

Make Module Live

There are several options for making pages and menus live. Be sure you understand the implications of making pages live before you click these links. They will present a summary of what they will do before asking for a confirmation that you really want to make things live.

Who has Access

See Who has Access

In the upper right corner of this page (and many others in Serckit) you'll find a link that will let you know who has editing access to this area of the site.