Initial Publication Date: August 20, 2019

Institutional Development

The work of our Northern California change agent team has had a great influence on our institution. It has brought a closer relationship amongst the four faculty members from our Geology and Oceanography and Meteorology departments on campus. Open discussions have occurred amongst our faculty on educational approaches in the classroom and the participation by our faculty in national workshops, including at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous in Kansas in 2018 on online education in the Earth Sciences. One of our faculty attended and Bridget James, a member of our Change Agents team, was one of the two co-conveners and instructors at the workshop. Beyond our own faculty and departments, this project has led to a greater working relationship with our Dean for Physical Sciences, Math, and Engineering. He has developed a greater understanding of our departments and has helped to push for more funding for data acquisition equipment in Meteorology and computer equipment in Geology. We have also developed an evolving relationship with the Director of STEM support in our Division Office. Finally, we have been able to get increased connection and possible collaboration with a Environmental Sciences Department and faculty. They participated in our Spring 2019 regional workshop on our campus.