Initial Publication Date: September 5, 2019

Travel Reimbursement

Here's what you need to do to get reimbursed for your travel after participating in the meeting:

  • Fill out the Carleton reimbursement form (Excel 23kB Jan23 20) and send it, with your original receipts, to Sandy Lynn-Proshek (slynnproshek AT; Carleton College W-SERC, 1 N. College St., Northfield, MN 55057)
    • For airfare, e-receipts are sufficient.
    • For mileage, we need Google maps or MapQuest documentation of travel distance.
    • Parking, ground transportation, and meals are reimbursable with original receipts. A reminder that alcohol is not covered in our grant reimbursement.
  • Make sure we have a current W-9 (Acrobat (PDF) 129kB Jan31 20) on file for you. If we don't, or if it needs updating, please complete and send it to Sandy Lynn-Proshek.
  • Please allow 4 weeks for check processing once your request has been received.
  • The IRS requires that reimbursements must be processed within 60 days following the event or trip or they are subject to taxation. Please submit your paperwork within 45 days from the end of your travel to ensure your payment is processed within this time frame.
Carleton College, W-SERC
One North College St
Northfield, MN 55057
Attn: Sandy Lynn-Proshek

If you have any questions don't hesitate to give SERC a call at 507-222-4368.