Initial Publication Date: September 28, 2006

From the End of Program Celebration

Final Career Presentation (PowerPoint 1.5MB Apr5 08)

From the Fall Follow-up Workshop

Ideas (Microsoft Word 43kB Oct24 07) to encourage MS kids to focus on careers

Presentations from the Summer Workshop

Resources for Integrating Career Resources into STEM Courses

These links require some exploration time: you may want look specifically for a teaching topic that you know you'd like to enhance with technlogy

Museum of Science, Art, and Human Perception

An interactive Web site for educators and young people. The site includes a digital library of hands-on activities, photos, movie clips, and webcasts of demonstrations.

Edutopia: The George Lucas Educational Foundation
Support for educators in developing more active, meaningful curriculum

A website of resources for in-school programs, project-based learning, school-to-career approaches, and technology integration methods.

Integrating technology into non-formal learning

Planning guides, activities, and an active online community about using technology for voluntary learning.

Tools to guide students in inquiry-based projects

After-school ideas for sparking interest in young people in a variety of science areas.

Classroom Resources that Focus on Careers

Explore nine unique science careers

The Wonderwise site tells students about nine exciting careers by focusing on women who have them. Explore the descriptions of what each person does, then click the Kids Enter Here! link. Explore some of the quick and clever interactive computer activities related to each career.

Careers in Engineering
What is Engineering Anyway?

A comprehensive student-centered site that presents engineering as an attractive career choice. As middle-school students generally don't have a clue what different kinds of engineers do, this site might be worthy of a "go to this site and write down 5 or 10 facts that you learned" assignment.

Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence
Ocean-related Careers/

This site describes over 50 ocean-related careers. It includes links for internships and job opportunities as well as lists of colleges with ocean-related programs.

2005 Earth Science Week Kit
Geoscientists Explore the Earth

The 2005 Earth Science Week Kit focused on careers in the geosciences. You can order the 2005 kit for $4.95.

Conserving the nature of America
Careers with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Find out about careers that manage wildlife and other natural resources.

Engineer Your Future
Massachusetts Engineering Projects

Contests and guest speakers who can help you get started with bridge building.

Engineering Design Challenges from NASA
Projects from NASA

Design challenges include
  • Thermal Protection Systems Design Challenge (Heat and Conduction)
  • Spacecraft Design Structures Challenge (Newton's Law)
  • Electrodynamic Propulsion Systems (Electromagnetism)
  • Centennial of Flight: Propeller Design Challenge (Forces and Motion)
  • Personal Satellite Assistant (Forces and Motion)
  • Living Off the Land: Water Filtration Challenge (Properties and changes of properties in matter)

NASA Paper Airplanes Engineering Activity
Hands-on Engineering Design Task

This site provides clear visual instructions for building four NASA-inspired paper airplane models. The poster describes a problem-based learning scenario in which students must design a paper airplane that can carry 10 paper clips a minimum of 10 meters through the air. Two multi-day Problem-Based Learning modules are also available from FutureFlight.

Career Awareness Resources

Bureau of Labor Statistics
Jobs for kids who like...

This site suggests careers matched to things students like to do.

Career Interest Checklist
Online Interest Checklist

Students check the items that interest them then submit the online form. The site returns the student's top trait and gives a list of jobs within that category. Caution: While this site provides a quick and easy tallying of results, labeling a young student with a single category may deter them from exploring other interests. (You need to create a free account to access the survey)'s Job Assets & Strengths Profiler

Based on over 60 years of research, this survey is designed to uncover job strengths and preferences. The interactive quiz takes about 20 minutes and may require some vocabulary help for middle schoolers. It measures 8 different dimensions including Leadership Style, Work Style, and preferred environment.

Uncle Tungsten by Oliver Sacks

This book is a memoir by Oliver Sacks, describing the influence of his family on his decision to enter the sciences. Uncle Tungsten