Initial Publication Date: June 5, 2018

Observations and Recommendations

Supporting Materials

"Middle Ground" Resources

Ways of Finding Resources

Other Recommendations

  • Create teaching activities from the research and data if you aren't already: MARGINS, UNAVCO (more info) , SCEC
  • Make "middle ground" information available to interpret your science for a layperson.
  • Spend time looking at each others' websites and talking aloud about what you're looking for and what you make of the clues about where to find it.

Larger Issues

  • Clearinghouse website for REU and Workshop opportunities. NAGT, NESTA, CUR...
  • Some strategy for finding good geoscience Visualizations. SERC's approach - Plate Tectonic Movements
  • Clearinghouse for data sets - A joint strategy for making sure that the best data is available with activities that demonstrate how to use it. Could generate Data Sheets at SERC or have the same kinds of info available on the individual sites.
  • Achieving good coverage of topics across the range of appropriate levels - everyone not aimed at a particular topic or a particular grade level
  • It would be helpful to share statistics on web usage and social media to start to get a sense of context and reach as well as get a better sense of what is meaningful in terms of impacts.