The State Geological Surveys' Role in Recruiting and Engaging the Next Generation of Geoscientists

Friday 1:30pm-2:45pm SERC Building - 108B
Round Table Discussion


Stacey Daniels, Pennsylvania Geological Survey
Adam Ianno, Pennsylvania Geological Survey

Join the Pennsylvania Geological Survey in a discussion about the role state geological surveys play in recruiting and engaging the next generation of geoscientists. Most citizens have no idea that state geological surveys exist, let alone what they do or the educational and professional resources they offer to their stakeholders. How can state geological surveys connect with students and educators, and in what ways can approaches be adapted to engage a wider audience that effectively generates more interest in the geosciences? The goal of this discussion is to share what state geological surveys have to offer with educators and to brainstorm ideas for outreach and engagement, outside of traditional internship programs and the occasional outreach event, for all levels of education.