Improving the Sustainability of Data-rich Activities through the Community Contribution Tool

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9:00am-4:00pm Sun / 8:30am-11:30am M-W SERC Building - 232


Rachel Teasdale, California State University-Chico
Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium
Sean Fox, Carleton College
Ellen Iverson, Carleton College

Some curriculum materials have datasets and related resources that can become out-of-date or unavailable. To address this issue, this workshop will introduce the Community Contribution Tool (CCT), which facilitates updating datasets, graphs, and other components of data-rich activities hosted on the Teach the Earth website. Participants will test the use of the CCT by helping to update InTeGrate and GEodesy Tool for Societal Issues (GETSI) resources and to develop community recommendations for robust data-rich activity development. Up to $1150 stipends are available for participation.

Note: This workshop begins on Sunday, July 14, (9:00 am-4:00 pm) and continues through Monday-Wednesday (8:30 am-11:30 am). Participation is by application only.

The application deadline was April 1.
This workshop will provide two stipends for 30 eligible* participants: 1) $650 for those who complete all workshop activities and 2) $500 for those who complete post-workshop activities using the CCT to update InTeGrate and GETSI modules (more information about this is in the workshop application). All stipends will be disbursed after the Rendezvous. All participants must be registered for the Rendezvous.


Temple Campus Map for CCT workshop (Acrobat (PDF) 1014kB Jun19 24)

Data-rich teaching modules are often developed as part of temporary funded projects, leaving the resources vulnerable to becoming out-of-date after funding has ended. One way to combat this decline is to better enable community users to help develop and share updates. Another approach is to ensure that robustness and longevity are better planned from inception. This workshop will help make progress through both these avenues.

Participants in this workshop will help test the new Serckit Community Contribution Tool (CCT) by updating resources from InTeGrate and GEodesy Tool for Societal Issues (GETSI). They will also help draft community recommendations for data-rich curricular resource developers to plan for robust longevity from the start and to leverage the power of the CCT for continued sustainability.

A satisfying outcome of the workshop will be significantly updated community resources (GETSI and InTeGrate) that thousands of instructors depend on. Participants can earn up to $1150 in stipends for their contribution both during and after the workshop. Post-workshop deliverables are expected to take ~10 hours of time (August 16 completion deadline).

Workshop Program »

Target Audience

This workshop is designed for Earth science instructors who are interested in robust and current data-rich activities applied to societally important issues (hazards, climate, environment, etc.). The primary audience for the workshop is undergraduate instructors, but high school teachers and late-stage graduate students with significant teaching responsibility are also eligible.


Workshop participants will:

  • Be able to access a variety of data-rich online modules
  • Evaluate the current state of existing curriculum resources and data portals
  • Draft guidance for documenting the data updating process and making instructions for future users to update data sets
  • Use the Community Contribution Tool (CCT) to make updates to existing InTeGrate and GETSI modules
  • Collaboratively develop community recommendations for future developers and users of data-rich activities to better support resource longevity


Each day the workshop will include an introduction to the topic(s) for the day, time to individually and collaboratively work on the day's activities, all-group discussion, an opportunity to reflect on ideas, and time to plan for action and implementation. Participants should bring a laptop to work on in order to access the online materials.

*Stipends are NSF-funded so recipients must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or in the employ of a U.S. institution. Participants may choose to waive stipends. All participants are expected to participate in the entire workshop.

Registering for EER

If you received confirmation that you are accepted to this workshop, please follow these directions when registering for EER.

This workshop is supported by the National Science Foundation, IUSE 2315542 and 2315543.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation

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