On the Air: Exploring air pollution sources

Thursday 1:30pm-4:00pm SERC Building - 232
Afternoon Mini Workshop


Elizabeth Spike, FCPS and Clean Air Partners
Alexander Hume Spike, Air Alliance Houston

Air quality is less familiar to the public, resulting in a deficit of air quality lessons compared to water and soil within K-12 science education. On the Air overcomes this barrier to environmental literacy and intergenerational equity with interactive skills-based transdisciplinary STEM activities that apply environmental justice and authentic engagement to solve real world problems faced by vulnerable populations. On the Air's 5E student-centered inquiry activities focus on ozone, particulates, and climate within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The activities align with Next Generation Science Standards and prioritize skill building to transform awareness of air pollution into action to protect our resources and quality of life. On the Air is free and online. Locally, it uses a train-the-trainer model to build capacity in science teachers who teach their colleagues how to deliver air quality and climate change education to their students.


By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Become familiar with how to navigate the On the Air website and other related air quality and climate resources
  • Complete activities using best practices to bridge science and public health to air and climate action
  • Explain how the train-the-trainer model works and how it can expand air quality education


1:30 Welcome and introductions

1:35 Who are Clean Air Partners, and how do we support air quality and climate science education?

1:40 What is On the Air and how to navigate the website

1:50 What is the Lead Teacher Learning Community, and how can it expand air quality and climate science education?

2:00 Explore Module 1 Our Air, Our Lungs, Our Health, Activity 1 Tatiana and Calvin

2:25 Explore Module 2 What's the Air Forecast?, Activity 6 AQI in Baltimore-Washington Region 

2:50 Explore Module 3 Air Pollution in the Community, Activity 5 Particulate Matter in the Community 

3:15 Explore Module 4 Air and the Chesapeake Bay, Activity 10 What's going on in our Airshed?

3:35 Explore Module 5 Air and Climate Change, Activity 9 CO2 Sources and Solutions

3:55 On the Air Training Feedback/workshop evaluation and Adjourn


Clean Air Partners


Module 1 Our Air, Our Lungs, Our Health, Activity 1 Tatiana and Calvin

Module 2 What's the Air Forecast Activity 6 AQI in Baltimore-Washington Region 

Module 3 Air Pollution in the Community: Activities 5 Particulate Matter in the Community 

Module 4 Air and the Chesapeake Bay, Activity 10 What's going on in our Airshed?

Module 5 Air and Climate Change. Activity 9 CO2 Sources and Solutions