Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015

Course Profiles

We asked each participant in the 2007 Workshop to describe a course, a curriculum, or a program in their department that connects to the future of science. For example, such courses, curricula, or programs might be interdisciplinary, focus on societally relevant applications of geoscience, feature an emerging topic or field of study, or develop skills that are becoming increasingly important in geoscience research. The course profiles listed below are based on the information they submitted.

Global change, University of Montana
Quantitative Natural Hazards, Bryn Mawr
Geodynamics, University of Minnesota
Geoscience Processes, University of Texas at El Paso
Oceans and Our Global Environment, Indiana University
Environmental Geology, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Chicago Rocks! Geology in the City, Northeastern Illinois University
Geographic Information Systems, Olivet Nazarene University
Undergraduate Research Problems, University of Akron
GeoJourney, Bowling Green State University
Earth Hazards, University of Vermont

On the Cutting Edge also has an extensive collection of several hundred course descriptions as a part of its Designing Effective and Innovative Courses module.