Initial Publication Date: January 25, 2007

Workshop Participants and Essays

Each participant to the workshop was asked to write a short essay which portrays a case study from their own teaching where the affective domain was relevant. Each essay describes the situation, actions the teacher took or solutions that were applied, and an analysis of how the affective domain played a role.

Download a compilation of all of the participant essays (Acrobat (PDF) 313kB Jan31 07) in one file, handy for printing, or click on a participant's name to read his or her essay.

Workshop Co-conveners

Workshop Participants

Alan Boyle - Teaching Through Group Work, Department of Earth & Ocean Sciences, University of Liverpool
Lewis Brown - Modeling Constructivism in Introductory Geology Courses, Geology/Physics, Lake Superior State University
Robert Butler - Understanding the Power of Place in Geoscience Education, Physics, University of Portland
Ann Bykerk-Kauffman - Teaching Evolution in an Introductory Geology Course, Geological and Environmental Sciences, California State University - Chico
Cinzia Cervato, Geological & Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University
Miriam Fuhrman - Why would I want to work in the dirt with rocks?, Assessment Division, American Institutes for Research
Lisa Gilbert - "I'm good at science, now", Geosciences & Marine Sciences, Williams College
Bosiljka Glumac - Designing Geoscience Courses Around Projects With Realistic Scenarios; Introduction to Biotic Evolution: A Case of Cancer, Geology Department, Smith College
Patricia (Pat) Hauslein - Life's rich lessons lie in the unexpected moments, Biological Sciences, St. Cloud State University
Jenefer Husman - Learning to Motivate My Own Students: The Confessions of One Educational Researcher, Psychology in Education, Arizona State University
Dorothea Ivanova - Sifting through online information: Critical thinking in the learning process, Department of Meteorology, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Jeff Johnston - Meeting the learning goals with a below average course, Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University
Megan Jones - Case Study Essay on Affective Domain in Geoscience Teaching of Evolution, Geology, North Hennepin Community College
Claudia Khourey-Bowers - Teaching evolution to all the Marys, Teaching Leadership and Curriculum Studies, Kent State University Stark
Kaatje Kraft - Creating a Scientific Discourse Community in my Geologic Disasters Class, Physical Science, Mesa Community College
Martina Nieswandt - A dialectical relationship between students' motives and interest and teaching approaches, Curriculum Teaching and Learning, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT)
Edward Nuhfer - Replacing Fear and Distaste of Science in Students' Private Universes, Geosciences, Idaho State University
Matthew Nyman - Starting Off Right: Introducing Students to the Instructor and the Scientific Process, Earth and Planetary Science/Natural Science Program, University of New Mexico
Kathie Owens - Teachers' Self-Efficacy, Curricular and Instructional Studies, University of Akron
Dexter Perkins - The Affective Domain and College Students, Geology, University of North Dakota
Eric Pyle - "Just Motivate Them" for Geoscience Inquiry, Geology & Environmental Science, James Madison University
Kelly Rocca - The Affective Domain of Learning: Nonverbal Immediacy, St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. John's University
Steven Semken - Sense of Place in Geoscience Teaching and Learning, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
Suzanne M (Suki) Smaglik - Can I pass this class if I don't "believe" in ... ? Motivations and Attitudes in Student Learning, Chemistry & Geology, Central Wyoming College
LeeAnn Srogi - Cooperative Learning and Institutional Goals for Student Development, Geology & Astronomy, West Chester University
Jennifer Stempien - The Consequence of Relevance on Student Attitudes, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder
Lensyl Urbano - Voices and language, Earth Sciences, University of Memphis
Tatiana Vislova - Addressing the Students' Goals, Earth Sciences, SUNY College at Oneonta
Al Werner - I'm no good at science!, Department of Earth and Environment, Mount Holyoke College
Karl Wirth - Thinking About Learning: Motivating Students to Develop Into Intentional Learners, Geology, Macalester College
Todd Zakrajsek - Reducing Fear and Increasing Commitment in an Introductory Course, Faculty Center for Innovative Teaching, Central Michigan University

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