Danielle Schmitt


Princeton University

Workshop Participant, Webinar Participant, Website Contributor, Reviewer

Website Content Contributions

Activities (2)

Tropical Cyclones, Sea Surface Temperature, and Beyond part of Hurricanes-Climate Change Connection:Activities
The activity will use historical data of sea surface temperature and tropical cyclone origin and/or tracks to identify trends. Students use Arc GIS to explore projected SST changes and predict areas where tropical ...

Identifying Ocean Basins part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2024:Program:Teaching Demos:Tuesday
In this multi-part activity students investigate the location, width, and depth of, as well bathymetric features present in, different ocean basins. They first explore elevation and bathymetric profiles that span ...

Conference Presentation (1)

A Hands-on Approach to Understanding Stable Isotope Fractionation part of Rendezvous 2015:Program:Abstracts
Stable isotope geochemistry is a standard tool used to study a variety of complex Earth systems. Applications range from using the isotopic composition of shells of calcareous marine microfossils, or gases ...

Other Contributions (2)

Danielle Schmitt part of Hurricanes-Climate Change Connection:Workshop 08:Participant Profiles
Danielle Schmitt Geosciences Princeton University M179 Guyot Hall Washington Rd Princeton, NJ 08544 609.258.7015 609.258.0796 (fax) dschmitt@princeton.edu Hi everyone. I am an Academic Lab Manager for the ...

Tuesday part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2024:Program:Teaching Demos:Tuesday
Skip to Main ContentSkip to Navigation Login Earth Educators' RendezvousPhiladelphia, PA, July 15-19, 2024 View the Program | Search ...


Workshop Participant (33 workshops)

Webinar Participant