Leonardo Garro Mena

Univertesidad de Costa Rica

My passion lies in delving into the intricate world of coffee fermentation, where I study the hidden symphonies of flavor and chemistry. With a fervor for innovation, I embark on a journey to revolutionize the way we teach and explore, blending the art of creativity with the precision of science.
My quest extends beyond the laboratory, as I believe in the power of collaboration to shape the future. I thrive on weaving the threads of diverse expertise into a tapestry of knowledge that transcends boundaries. The essence of my work lies not only in unraveling the mysteries of coffee's transformation but also in transforming the way we approach education and research.
As a relentless advocate for curiosity, I invite people around to join me in a dynamic exploration of the unknown. Let's not just study, but dance with ideas. Let's not just learn, but sculpt wisdom.
In my world, scientific rigor meets the cadence of creativity, where fermentation is both a process and a metaphor for the transformative journey of learning. My everyday work could be describe as one cup of knowledge at a time.

Workshop Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Activity (1)

Optimización de un bioproceso part of Teaching Computation with MATLAB:Taller con MATLAB Septiembre 2023:Actividades de Enseñanza
Leonardo Garro Mena, Univertesidad de Costa Rica, Ingeniería Química Resumen En esta actividad se le presenta al estudiantado un modelo matemático para un proceso, como por ejemplo la producción de una ...

Workshop Participant

Taller con MATLAB Septiembre 2023