Jeff Simpson

Chandler/Gilbert Community College

I enjoy teaching face-to-face geology at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. I also teach hands-on science to little folks in China during our winter and summer breaks.

For 25 years I served as a technical writer for the Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES-3) and Nonlinear Geophysics (EES-17) Groups at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

I am a native of the Colorado Plateau - Winslow - and have worked for the BLM at the Anasazi Heritage Center in Dolores, Colorado and for the National Park Service as an interpretive ranger at Kilauea (Volcanoes National Park) and Glen Canyon/Lake Powell. I have lived and worked in Pago Pago, American Samoa and Athens, Greece. I enjoy mountain biking, hiking, travel, playing acoustic guitar badly, gardening, writing, studying environmental issues focusing on sustainability and alternative architecture including building energy efficient tiny homes, & spending time with loved ones. 

Workshop Participant, Webinar Participant