Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015

Rubric for Evaluating Student Research in Upper-Level Courses

From the Geology & Astronomy Department at West Chester University


We use this to evaluate whether students are participating in, and achieving competency in, the various aspects of scientific research within an upper-level majors course. The research experience, and the report format, are modified to better model scientific research and publication criteria.


The instrument is filled in by instructors for individual students based on grades and holistic assessment of research projects within upper-level paleontology and petrology courses.

Use of the Data

For B.S.Ed. students, this becomes part of data submitted for NCATE accreditation.
For B.S. students, this will be used to evaluate whether program meets goals of having students achieve competency in understanding, carrying out, and communicating scientific research.


Successful in B.S. Ed. program. Newly adapted for B.S. program - not analyzed yet.


Download the Rubric for student research product (Microsoft Word 87kB Feb12 09)