Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015

Assessment form relating goals, outcomes, outcomes measures and data to changes in curriculum or plans of study

From the Earth and Environmental Science Department, C.W. Post College of Long Island University


This form is used as a reporting instrument. It is designed so faculty can develop and see the relation among goals, outcomes and outcomes measures. Then data are collected and assessment of one or several aspects of the program are made. Logic is the basis for changes in program or course of study.


This is given to chairs or program heads via e-mail and paper. This is an annual process, divided into two semesters. The first part involves deciding what data to collect. The second involves collecting and analyzing the data.

Use of the Data

As a basis for discussions among faculty to promote better student learning.


It has worked for my department as it lays out clearly interconnections among the various aspects of student learning assessment.
The campus is using this more detailed form for the first time this academic year. We are hoping that it will provide more structure than an earlier, less explicit form.


Download the CW Post Assessment form (Microsoft Word 43kB Mar11 09)