October Authors Meeting Agenda

October 7-9, 2013

Carleton College

Before Meeting

Meeting Goals

  • Meet and get to know your team
  • As a team, collectively sketch out your module/course: Develop a common and specific vision of your module/course and document it in the overview page of your workspace
  • Explore the materials development process: Become comfortable in the CMS and establish a working relationship with your team lead, webteam liaison and assessment consultant
  • Become familiar with the assessment data collection process
  • Create a workplan, timeline, and communications plan for completing the module

October 7, Monday

*All workshop activities will take place at the Carleton College Weitz Center , Larson Room 236 and adjacent areas

5:00 PM Welcome Larson Room 236

6:00 PM Catered dinner with cash-only bar

7:15 PM Opening Remarks - Cathy Manduca

7:30 PM Quick picture of a module: Overview Presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 3.1MB Jun14 15) - David Steer

  • Discuss how a module or course relates to the rubric
  • Plan for the meeting
  • Discussion

October 8, Tuesday

Courtesy breakfast - Country Inn of Northfield

8:30 AM Introduction to the guiding principles as part of rubric - Anne Egger Guiding principles presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.3MB Oct7 13)

9:00 AM Plenary: Introduction to course-/module-level learning outcomes Learning Outcomes (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 578kB Oct8 13)- David Steer

10:00 AM Introduction to using the CMS - Sean Fox

10:15 AM Small groups discuss strategies for addressing the guiding principles in their course or module and work on module/course-level learning outcomes

  • Discuss as individual module/course teams, develop plan on reporting page and checkpoint 1 workpages
  • Materials in Progress - lists links to all course and module pages.

10:45 AM Break

11:00 AM Continue working in groups

12:00 PM Working lunch at the Language/Dining Hall on campus - work on module/course-level learning outcomes

1:00 PM Full-group report out of learning outcomes

1:30 PM Plenary: Learning objectives and assessment Learning Objectives and Assessments (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 634kB Oct8 13) - (David Steer)

2:00 PM Work time in module/course groups to develop learning outcomes and assessments

3:30 PM Break

3:45 PM Introduction to instructional strategies (including metacognition) - Anne Egger

4:30 PM Work time to discuss instructional strategies

5:30 PM Roadcheck

6:30 PM Dinner in Northfield

October 9, Wednesday

Courtesy breakfast - Country Inn of Northfield

8:30 AM Plenary: Presentation of the development process and general timeline - Ellen Iverson and Cathy Manduca

9:00-10:15 AM Work in teams to record the following information into the CMS:

  • Timeline for reaching checkpoints
  • Communication plan for working remotely with your team
  • Complete description/outline and goals
  • Complete how course/module addresses guiding principles
  • Materials in Progress
10:15 AM Break

10:30 AM Plenary: Testing Process and Data Collection (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.6MB Oct9 13) (GLE, Attitude, IRB, etc.) - David Steer and Ellen Iverson

12:00 PM Lunch at the Language/Dining Hall on campus

1:00 PM Plenary session: Developing and using rubrics Developing Rubrics (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 450kB Oct8 13) - David Steer

2:00 PM Work time in module/course groups to discuss aligning learning outcomes, assessments, and rubrics

  • Complete a unit/activity overview if desired
  • Develop a common vision for rubrics within your team
  • Skype with assessment consultant

5:00 PM Plenary: Why are we doing this again? - Anne Egger, John Taber, and Tim Bralower

5:30 PM Workshop evaluation

6:30 PM Optional dinner